A prospective member must be engaged in one of the following.
- The practice of a profession
- The conduct and operation of a business, as an owner, management, or in a supervisory position
- Holding a public office
Proposals for active membership must be in writing on a form approved by the Board of Directors, must be signed by the applicant and by one active member, and must be presented to an appropriate committee appointed for that purpose, for investigation, which committee shall report at the next regular Director’s meeting, unless the time to report shall be changed by the majority vote of the meeting at the time of presentation.
After a proposal for active membership shall have been favorably reported by the committee for investigation, the Chair shall order vote on the same. A majority favorable vote of the members of the Board of Directors present will be necessary for an election to active membership.
Membership Application 2-20 (PDF)
Members also have access to discussion groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.